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      What’s on the Flip Side?

      Today is… Pancake Day! 🍳🍴

      A great time to ask yourself, what’s on the flip side?

      If you are trying to decide if it’s the right time to look for a new role, you should consider what’s on the flip side of what you have now Vs the details of the roles that catch your eye.

      For example:
      🔹 Flexible working… on the flip side could be a great structure and a method of working that allows you to log off and stay off at 5 pm.
      🔹 Great commission rates… on the flip side could be less basic pay.
      🔹 Remote working… on the flip side could be isolation and lack of interaction with your colleagues.
      🔹 Training paid for… on the flip side could be a tie-in contractually that states you have to stay with the company for x number of years post-qualification.

      There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to career moves so always weigh things up because everything has a flip side, and whilst it’s not always negative, it’s also not always as positive as it seems.

      If you are considering a new role in accounting or finance then contact us and let us decode the flip-sides for you.

      Karamba slot

      Der Karamba Slot ist ein aufregendes Glücksspiel, das Spieler weltweit begeistert. Mit einem bunten Design, einer Vielzahl von Funktionen und der Möglichkeit, große Gewinne zu erzielen, bietet es eine spannende Karamba slotSpielerfahrung. Karamba Slots zeichnen sich durch ihre hochwertige Grafik und den reibungslosen Spielablauf aus, der sowohl Anfänger als auch erfahrene Spieler anspricht.