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      Training V Coaching or Both?

      We all know that most successful recruiters are successful because of their attitude and work ethic. The training, the support, and the environment you work in need to be right to apply that work ethic and make it happen.

      A challenge for me in my early days as a novice recruiter was tick-box training accompanied by a lack of day-to-day support and coaching. It’s a huge challenge for junior recruiters, where the value in the training is lost because it doesn’t then get reinforced at desk level.  

      I am a big believer in the combination of training and coaching.

      Transferring of knowledgeEnhancing of knowledge and skills
      Often used in a group settingUsually, one-on-one
      Away from the day jobOn-the-job
      Often for new hiresOngoing well beyond probation
      Structured, fixed time & sessionsUsed and useful at all levels
      More formal with defined agendasUnstructured and informal
      Learning focusedDevelopment focused

      You can’t do everything being a small business owner. It’s a constant balance between internal and external activity, short-term tactical decisions vs long-term planning.

      As we grow, thankfully, I find myself having more time to focus on training, to help nurture Consultants as they grow with us. It’s always been a passion of mine so I am looking forward to adding to what we already have in place.

      Our program for Associates and Junior Consultants is a combination of short sharp sessions in;

      We have 3 thriving teams, all led by really experienced operators;

      If you want to find out more about opportunities with us and how we can develop you into an expert London Accountancy & Finance recruiter please get in touch.


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