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      Attraction, Hiring and Retention Strategies in a Candidate Driven Market

      Some pragmatic ideas and suggestions we hope will help you in a candidate-driven market.


      1. Choose your channels wisely. If you are advertising, use niche websites. It is best to partner with a Consultant exclusively but if you use more than one then select them based on their coverage of different parts of the market
      2. Write a compelling JD and engage with the recruiter at the briefing stage. Make your opportunity stand out and motivate your supplier
      3. Benchmark the salary and benefits. Candidate drivers, especially benefits, have moved on
      4. Think beyond skills & qualifications. By having a shorter list of essentials and a longer list of behaviour/competencies in mind you will widen your talent pool. It doesn’t always need to be about sector knowledge!
      5. Think little and large. Rising stars want opportunity, but don’t forget about the experienced end of the market.


      1. Plan ahead, work out when you want the process to conclude, and work in reverse
      2. Have a shortlist meeting – discuss the CVs and search to date
      3. In person interviews are back and more important than ever
      4. Bring in the team, the more ‘feeling’ you offer for the culture the better
      5. Keep the process slick; 2 stages ideally with some sort of exercise as part of the assessment
      6. Be decisive and be prepared for fewer options at the final stage. In normal market conditions, you may have 3 candidates at the final stage. If the role is niche and you trust the search has been thorough, 1 at final stage interview is currently more common
      7. Be quick at the verbal offer and acceptance stage, contacting the candidate directly and paperwork immediately drafted so the resignation process can begin


      1. Check in directly during the notice period, start engaging your new hire before they have started
      2. Meet for breakfast or lunch during the notice period
      3. Think about the induction & onboarding – establish a good WFH setup process, have more time in person for training, organise a social, give clear constructive early deliverables and feedback, find them a mentor/buddy
      4. Don’t miss the 3-month review! If this is booked in advance you are reassuring the candidate of their initial contribution
      5. Get feedback – understand their POV, don’t make it one-way traffic
      6. Make training an ongoing investment not just during the induction period

      Andy Lee – Founder, Trace Recruitment 

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