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      Appreciating your people will go a long way……

      By Gemma Smith

      Current uncertainty and less human interaction have made it even more vital to acknowledge other people’s efforts.

      Truthful, genuine appreciation is so simple yet often missed by employers. This seems to be especially the case today as so many people are working from home and being managed remotely. As we are not seeing people in the office, a quick ‘well done’ said across the desk or a genuine moment of appreciation can be lost. It doesn’t have to be a manager, recognition from a peer or colleague is also really valued.

      Appreciation is simple ‘great work today’ or ‘that was a good success’. It can be a conversation, text or email.

      Forbes highlight 5 free ways to recognise remote employees :

      “With everything going on in the world, it can be easy to forget that sometimes it’s the simplest actions that have the biggest impact.”

      Christopher Littlefield for Forbes

      Appreciation also increases confidence and engagement in a person’s job. It leads to a higher use of initiative as they know you will be encouraging.

      Appreciation should be clear, uncluttered, and genuine. Your body language, tone of voice and words will tell the listener if you are faking it and faking praise is a big no no. It should not be played down either. I hear this happen all the time ‘I didn’t think you’d make that deadline but well done you did’ Just say well done, why make the person feel you didn’t believe in them?

      Praise should be easy, from a big project to something simple. Do not forget to do it. Staff retention, enthusiasm and initiative will increase. People will feel confident, and a confident, engaged team is a productive one.

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