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      A Job for Life?

      Is 2020 the year for a career re-think?

      We wanted to share some experiences on a long serving colleague who changed his path. From having a good career in media commercial finance to becoming a successful recruiter in media accountancy & finance. If you are in finance and considering a career change then I hope this helps…

      A high proportion of people fall into careers. For the brave, this doesn’t mean it is a job for life, merely a stage or a stepping stone towards something else.

      I met a candidate to discuss his CV; as you do! Having got to know him during the hour or so we spent together, I had a hunch he would be a good recruiter, and maybe he was ready for a change. We didn’t rush the decision – We had various meetings, work shadowing, discussed a business plan and met the team. It all led to him starting and 6 years later he has been our most successful experienced hire. No matter how busy, or quiet, supportive or unsupportive, the business is, this is a career where you absolutely make your own success. It will be impossible to avoid the odd trough, but by doing the right things there will be many more highs than lows. By doing the right thing by people you will create a personal brand and income that nobody can take from you. It can be relentless and unjust at times, but making that process happen for all parties, having variety in your day, being the master of your own destiny, and being part of a successful team & business is rewarding, both personally and financially.

      Below are some aspects we believe are key to making the transition happen. The 1st 6-12 months will be the most challenging, so being realistic about what you are expected to achieve and earn is critical;

      Personal Traits


      Biggest Challenges

      Of-course we are in a very difficult period, but there will undoubtedly be a recovery, and hopefully quickly across the UK. Therefore, changing now, learning the basics, and being ready for the bounce and next economic cycle may not be a crazy idea!?

      Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss any of the above or have a general conversation about your career to date.

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